East Lewelling Boulevard

Project Overview

The East Lewelling Boulevard Project extends from Meekland Avenue to Langton Way  in Ashland, an unincorporated community in Alameda County. The Project implements multimodal transportation improvements with enhanced safety features including wider sidewalks, Class IV bike lanes, improved railroad crossing as well as  high visibility crosswalks and bulb-outs. When completed, students, parents, and teachers of the two schools within the project area will benefit from the new and improved bike and pedestrian safety features.

Project Features

  • New concrete sidewalk, curb, and gutter on both sides of the street 
  • Curb extensions (bulb-outs) to decrease crossing distance and improve pedestrian visibility 
  • New bicycle facility 
  • Stormwater drainage improvements and runoff treatment
  • New street trees
  • Pavement rehabilitation

Community Outreach


CIP Category

Major Infrastructure Improvement Project

Construction Start Date

Construction scheduled to start Fall 2024.


This project is currently in the design phase.

Project Location

East Lewelling Boulevard from Meekland Avenue to Langton Way 


District 4

Project Manager

Amber Lo, Supervising Civil Engineer 


For more information email info@acpwa.org or call (510) 670-5485Click here to receive e-mail updates.